Montefalco Rosso

Grape variety

60% Sangiovese 15% Sagrantino 25% Merlot

Bottles produced

15000 (750 ml)

Yield per hectare

55 hl/ha

Cask aging

large oak barrels 25 hl, at least for 24 months

Bottle ageing

at least 4 months

Characteristics of wine


Separate vinification for individual varieties. Fermentation on skins up to 28 ° C. Maceration of about 14 days.

Characteristics of wine

Organoleptic characteristics

The nose is intense with earthy woody notes as well as notes of cherry and plum. The taste is soft, warm and well structured. Pleasantly tannic. Good persistence on the palate.

Characteristics of wine

Serving temperature and food pairing

Serve at 18°C, it goes perfectly with flavoursome first courses such as risottos, tagliatelle and ravioli; red meat cooked rare, game and mixed meat skewers.